
(Online Refereed Journal of Sanskrit Studies)



ISSN -2277-6826

संगमनी मुखपृष्ठ

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How to submit paper

Style Sheet

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Style Sheet

Structure of Paper: Paper should be structured by the points given below-

1.    Title

2.    Author/s name with e-mail/s. (Affiliation of author/s should be given in footnote with adding symbol/s.

3.    Abstract

4.    Key words

5.    Body of paper, with or without headings & subheadings

6.    Acknowledgement (if required)

7.    Conclusion

8.    Bibliography

Format for Bibliography:

For papers in a journal:

1.      H.S. Mukunda, S.M. Deshpande, H.R. Nagendra, A. Prabhu, and S.P. Govindaraju, 1974. A critical study of the work Vymanika Shastra, Scientific Opinion. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore‐560012 (Karnataka), India.

For edited books:

1.       Singh, Bal Ram, Jha, Girish Nath, Singh, Umesh Kumar & Mishra, Diwakar(Ed.) 2012. Science and Technology in Ancient Indian Texts, D.K. Printworld Ltd. New Delhi-110015.India.

2.       जुगनू, डॉ. श्रीकृष्ण  (अनु.) 2004. वृक्षायुर्वेदः (सुरपाल विरचित), चौखम्बा संस्कृत सीरीज ऑफ़िस, वाराणसी, भारत.

Font: Times New Roman Family fonts for English and Mangal Family fonts for papers in Sanskrit and Hindi.

Special Formatting: Do not add any special formatting features such as columns, indents, alignment, or justification. However, do indicate lists or charts. If you have a specific idea about formatting, send the article formatted the way you wish in a pdf file, but send the main text file as a Word doc so that it can be copy edited and set into layout and design.

Umesh Kumar Singh
(Assistant Professor, School of Indic Studies, Institute of Advanced Sciences, Dartmouth, USA)

Harendra Kr. Bhargava
(Banaras Hindu University)

Joint Editor
Devanand Shukla
(MSRVVP Ujjain)


Editorial Board

Dr. Pratap Mishra

Dr. Shailendra Dixit

Dr. Pradeep Mishra

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra

Dr. Vimal Mishra

This page is developed by Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh

Last updated: January, 2012